Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lindsay is headed to Maryland today. That means I have the run of the house for the next few days. I'm flying to meet her on Friday. In the meantime, it's cereal city at the estate. I'll be watching Top Gear, eating cereal, and playing video games all night.

Oh yeah.


J Money said...

It's interesting to me..... whenever the wife is away, it seems your wildest activity is eating cereal in your underwear. I love cereal, too, but my question is, does Lindsay restrict your cereal intake?

Also... who are you kidding about "all night"? You go to bed at 7 PM.

boilerdowd said...

When and what channel is Top Gear airing?

I though it was pulled.

Tim said...

Top Gear is on BBC America. I'm not sure about the time because TiVo just records it for me.