Monday, January 5, 2004

Mookie was here for a few hours yesterday. We re-lived college by promptly eating roughly 1 pound of cheese and then attending Taco Bell. It was good. Matt then had the idea that if he had $100 million he would buy A-Rod and make him do his dishes. Easily the best spent money ever.

Why does Ashley Judd look so much better when she's dressed as a fan at a UK game?

Britney Spears got married this weekend. The big question is.... did she consumate the marriage.... with me.... I think the answer is clearly no.

TV Show that is nearing a spot in my season pass list : Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

One hot woman that you haven't heard of : Sarah Shahi.

Angie Everhart is now a pseudo-celebrity on the new Celebrity Mole show. That's gotta be good for her career. I mean, look who else is on it! Dennis Rodman! Steven Baldwin! Someone else! Three people that are easily among the movers and shakers in entertainment. Oh Angie, how you continue to dissapoint me.

Pete Rose admits betting on baseball? Shocking. Pete Rose admits betting on the Reds? Shocking. Pete Rose admits talking to his booky while deciding which pitcher he should put in to give up the game winning home run? Not so shocking. Pete Rose admits a torrid affair with Marge Schodt? Not un-expected. Seriously, who in America did not know that Rose bet on baseball? He accepted his punishment: a lifetime ban from baseball. Now he wants in? Too bad. You're B-A-N-N-E-D. For life. Get used to it. El no more-o baseball-o.

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