Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lindsay and I have been watching Heroes lately. We're just about finished watching season 2. So far, I have to say that I like it. It has a unique perspective on the whole super-hero area, so it still feels fresh. We're both looking forward to season 3. The only reason we even started watching it was because she got season 1 for me for Christmas. We didn't even start watching that until June though. Now we're hooked and don't want to wait for season 3 to begin at the end of September.


bmp1965 said...

Heroes - one of my favorites. I love the wide variety of the characters and storylines. They are very well-written and have a lot of depth. Plus, if you don't like someone (or their story), you don't have to wait long for one you do like. That being said, the only characters I haven't cared for were the Hispanic Wonder Twins. I could have done without that whole storyline...
My favorite characters are Hiro & Noah (Claire's father).

J Money said...

I always wondered who could possibly be watching a show like that... and now it's people I respect. My hope for good TV is dwindling.

Ugh. I hope you don't also watch Lost. Because then we're through.

Tim said...

I don't watch Lost. In fact, I don't really watch any TV anymore. I watch Top Gear when I can. I watch Heroes. Sometimes I watch Around the Horn and PTI. That's it. That's the list.

Unknown said...

I used to watch Lost... then I met Tim and my free time for watching tv dwindled away. Now that summer's over and it's back to work - my daytime tv is dwindling away too.

J Money said...

Yes, and what with Tim excitedly eating cereal for dinner and going to bed at 7 PM, who has time for TV??