Friday, January 19, 2007

The HVAC guy came out and said that there's basically nothing I can do to prevent it again. He said I could spend $20,000 trying to fix it and there's no guarantee that it would work.

The problem is that the area I'm in is very close to Lake Erie so it has a very sandy base and a high water table (hence why no houses by me have basements.) He said that when we have a lot of rain for days on end that the water table rises through the sandy base and seeps into the duct work. I asked him if drain tile would work or if a sump pump work work. He said a sump pump could work, but I'd have to dig up the foundation in order to try it, and he wasn't sure about how to place it in the duct work. Alternatively, I could try putting in a crock in the back yard that funnels out to the drainage ditch (we don't have storm sewers because of the high water table). That would help remove a lot of water, but it has to go somewhere still, and that somewhere could just as easily be my house.

He also said that I could never have this problem again... so that's where I'm at. A no win situation basically.

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