Tuesday, November 8, 2005

School is keeping me much busier than normal this semester. I presume that's because I have a project due every single Wednesday as well as a test every Wednesday.

Hooray for higher education. I feel like I will truly be a useful worker bee in society now.

Here's what school has taught me so far. What a piece of paper says means nothing about what you are actually capable of. I've run across so many people who are good students but terrible workers, and vice versa.

Here's what the most expensive (with the possible exception of a pre-nup) piece of paper you'll ever have will get you: in the door. After that, it's all up to you. If it were up to me, it wouldn't even do that. As a programmer, I think people should have to submit programs and design databases as their resume. That will more surely weed out those that are capable and those that aren't. Why do you ask am I interested in that? Because that would mean I wouldn't have to cover for people who do nothing all day but try to look busy and then fail even at that.

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