Wednesday, March 5, 2003

The world is entirely too serious a place currently. We're getting ready to take out Sadaam, and the North Korean leadership is trying their hardest to provoke us into attacking them so that they can then turn around and say to the world "Hey, look at the Americans, they're trying to conquer the world." The problem is that we're not falling for it, and I don't know how much more aggressive the North Koreans are going to get. It seems clear to me that their president is a complete lunatic. He doesn't care about the people living in his country, he only cares about his power. He's willing to literally starve his country to death to feed his ego. It's people like that that are the true problem in the world. Clinton made the huge mistake of basically paying Kim Jong-Il off in 1994, and that only made him more dangerous. He thinks that he can now get away with anything, because Clinton didn't have the backbone to stand up to him back then. I think that Kim Jong-Il is the type of person that would initiate a war with no regard to calamity that would follow.

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