Tuesday, March 11, 2003

It seems to me that the reason the rest of the world doesn't want to oust Sadaam is all about the money. The French sold him illegal nuclear reactor parts, and they don't want to admit it, so they pretend that the war is not necessary and inspections are working fine. The Germans set up an illegal oil pipeline for him, so they pretend everything is fine... no problems here. The Russians are owed billions from past ventures, so they don't want to upset the apple cart and risk not getting their money. The Chinese sold him missile technology that was illegal for Iraq to have, so they don't want to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

There's an interesting policy happening in the world... they claim that the U.S. is taking a unilateral approach to Iraq. Hmmm, seems to me that there are quite a few countries supporting us in this unilateral approach... last I counted, it was something like 50. Then when it comes to North Korea, the world wants the United States to handle it by themselves. Why is that? Hmmm, I think it's because Europe is predominantly full of blowhards who will do and say anything to stay in power. What's that? Today the wind is blowing in favor of anti-war protests? I'm anti-war! Give peace a chance! What just happened? Now they want to oust Sadaam? Hey, I've wanted to oust him for 10 years! Oh, the anti-war people are back. The inspections are working! The inspections are working! Hmm, North Korea is making enriched Uranium? Bah, let the Americans handle it. What? The U.S. wants other countries to get involved in the situation? No way, they need to take care of it.

Whatever is convenient for them at the time is what they believe in. Most of the world leaders seem to have no backbone of their own. They have no right to bitch and complain about how we bring freedom, justice, and security to the world while at the same time enjoying the fruit of our efforts.

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