Thursday, September 30, 2004

Jim Lehr: Senator Kerry, if elected, what will your plan be regarding Iraq?

Kerry: My plan is to be better than President Bush. I have a plan, and let me assure you that it is good. It is a darn good plan. My plan, that is. The plan that I have to be better than President Bush. It's a good plan. A mighty good plan if I do say so myself. Jim, listen. I think we all know how good my plan is. There's no sense in even discussing it. It's just that good. I've got all kinds of good plans. Every plan that I have is good. Good plans. That's why I want to be President. So I can further use my good plans. If I am elected, you and the American people can be sure of my good plans. I will implement them and IT WILL BE GOOD. But only if the rest of the world agrees. What they say goes, you know.... they're the boss.

I realize that Kerry thinks his plans are good, but I sure would like to know exactly what those plans are.

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